
Showing posts from May, 2023


 Today we genuinely did nothing. Sat and watched a movie because we had nothing else to do.


 Today we watched this documentary about how numerous children had to go to school. It was much deeper then it may seem because the routines some kids had to go through are pretty sad. Walking for hours, pushing a wheel chair for hours, walking mountains. These things are really sad to think about because i’ve never had to deal with this. We also had to do this fill in the box assignment about the kids shown in the video. Busy work kind of, but easy day. 


 Today we did our group project in classes. Our main teacher that doesn’t suck (Ms.Cook) was here so we just presented in front of class. Today was pretty easy and chill, and I believe that my group was easily the best. Everybody else sucked and we of course had NOOOOOOO competition. The project wasn’t hard, but when you have trash classmates, things can get complicated. 10/10 day.


 Today we legit did nothing for the entire class period. MR.Reeses said that since Ms.Cook wasn’t here, we weren’t going to present. Thankfully WE HAD A FREE DAY. I spent most of the class period catching up on his classwork. Of course I WAS PRODUCTIVE WHILE EVERYBODY DID FOOLISHNESS. WORK TIME NOT PLAY TIME GUYS. 9/10 day fr.


 Today i went to class madddd late. I slept in tk get more hours before the big AP test. I got there around 10:30 while nobody was doing anything. When i came, we left to go to lunch. It’s not even funny how bad that lunch looked. Thankfully i brought my own good cus idk what kind of mystery meat they putting in those pizzas. Not a bad day, 9/10.


 Today Ms.Cook put on a video that I was NOTTTT paying attention to. I’m sorry but i’m not about to sit and try to understand a video of some narrator just speaking. I don’t learn that way. After that we were assigned this project about the country we selected. We chose the philippines because why not, they sound cool. Easy day but was pretty boring, so it can get a 7/10.