
Showing posts from February, 2023

NEW TEACHER (better than mr rease)

 Today we read a short passage about a military experience from a former veteran. We were then asked if we thought it was justifiable to kill someone in the military. I think it is, and today was pretty easy. Ms.Cook is hopefully going to teach the rest of the class, but I do think she has some things she needs to work on. Overall I think she’s pretty cool and I hope teaching works out for her. 8/10 day. (project get rid of Mr Rease)


 Today Mr.Rease wasn’t here. He gave us this worksheet that we had to complete today, it wasn’t that hard but I didn’t feel like doing it bro. For whatever reason, our class was still in groups. I’m not complaining but I thought he’d change it. I didn’t get to finish my work but it’s whatever, i’ll bring the grade up. 8/10 day.


 Today I think we shouldn’t do work because I think we’re all smart enough to catch back up to the other classes. We’re all accelerated for a reason and i believe that falling behind a few days won’t us entirely. I’m pretty sure we’ve never been behind in his class due to reasons other then the school having stuff planned for us. Also, if we have a free day, I will CONSIDER not saying “I’m glad we didn’t get to hear Mr.Rease talk all day” … MAYBE. A chill day won’t hurt anybody in my opinion, in the end we won’t be behind for any longer then a week. 


 Well apparently we did this “No Drunk Driving” program stuff where actual police officers and paramedics came. I think this was so milked and shouldn’t have taken as long as it did. It’s whatever though, AT LEAST WE DIDNT GET TO HEAR MR.REASE THEN WHOLE DAY. That’s really all to be honest, 8.5/10 day 


 We mainly just did bookwork today. There wasn’t really anything going on in class. It was actually really quiet today, unlike where i was at. Azarea just doesn’t shut up. I couldn’t finish the book work, but something is better than nothing. 5/10 day.


 Today we just talked about some notes, Mainly just characterization of characters. Mr Rease basically explained how the narrator could portray characters through direct or indirect characterization. It was a pretty cool lesson i guess, but i hated how that narrative on illuminate took the rest of the class period. I had better things to do(nothing), but i know mine was pretty well. 9/10 day 


 Today was really a free day from Mr Rease. He wasn’t here today (THANKFULLY), and the class was chill and did their work. Nothing really happened, but it was nice having a no work day. 

New Teacher

Today a new young teacher came in and taught the class. She talked to us about one of Langston Hughes poems for a majority of the class. We were annotating and really speaking about what black people had to go through. She was probably really nervous, but I think she did an amazing job. I really hope she can pursue her dreams like she intended from the beginning. 10/10 day


 Today we just finished up on our illuminate. I’m not gonna lie, i hated that assignment cus it was so time consuming. It was lame but a free day is a free day if you ask me. The class is so quiet, i don’t know why nobody talks in there. I didn’t finish all of them but some is better than none. 4/10 class.

One Pager


Free Day

 We mainly did book work and the one pager. I think the pictures i have are pretty solid but i’m not finished yet. The bookwork takes up a lot of your time so i just skip to the exercises to go in to the next thing. Easy day, not really much happened, just wanted to go home really. 6/10 class today. 


 Today we just started on our one pager, or whatever that thing is called. I drew a reaper and i actually did pretty good on it. Of course my classmates hated because they suck at drawing but i didn’t let that stop me from achieving GREATNESS. It feels like a free period today and i had some fun i guess. 9/10


 Today we watched a short film about some zombies. Honestly i don’t know what the heck this could’ve taught ANYBODY. It was funny i guess, but at least it was somewhat entertaining. Then we analyzed and dissected the text given to us today. We finally did it by ourselves and i think I did well on it despite not following the rubric all the way. Once you really understand the words used to contextualize the text, you can start to get it more. 9.5/10 day.


   Today in class, we talked about Emily Dickinson. She was closed in away from everyone. We read a poem of hers that’s called “I’m nobody, who are you?” The poem taught us that it’s ok to be a nobody. I like the poem and I can relate to it because I too am a nobody. I don’t know for sure though, but i don’t know who I truly am just yet.