
Showing posts from January, 2023


 Today we discussed Unpopular opinions. We all got our own unpopular opinion and had to do pros, cons, and Compromises. Today was pretty fun hearing everyone’s blog, it was pretty engaging and fun. I love discussing controversial topics in classes. 9/10 class today. 

Notes part Two

 Today we just continued further with previous notes. Pretty decent class thus far. I think some people are starting to respond more then often. Wasn’t the busiest day so i can’t really say much. 6/10

Easy day

 Today we didn’t do much but book work, which i thought was pretty easy. It was nice having a break from listening to bro RAMBLING about language artsy stuff. The book work is easy but it really keeps you busy, maybe that’s why he give it to us. It kind of sucked because i had a test NEXT PERIOD. It wasn’t the hardest but those essays are gonna kill me. Coach spence, if you’re reading this, you suck.

Logos Pathos Ethos

 Today we basically went over rhetorical appeals. We relooked over them and discussed them with different slides and commercials. Today was pretty easy and somewhat engaging. It was already stuff i seen so at least it wasn’t new stuff. Easy day 9//10.


 We worked on argument notes today. We discussed different arguments. Talked about how how arguments don’t have to be persuasive. Today was pretty cool and the class felt more talkative compared to last week.  W day i guess

Teacher absent

 Today we just defined works and wrote their sentences. Our teacher wasn’t here FINALLY so it was kind of a free day. Everybody did their work but it was nice we didn’t have to do actual work and listen to him teach. I didn’t even finish the assignment from yesterday but it is what it is. I turned in like 90% of it so it’ll do.

Overrated Cluster



 I believe that the film was about being who you are and not hiding behind what you aren't. Everybody is different and I feel as though the main character was scared of being who she really was. I think she was too afraid of how she'd be perceived, then later she stopped caring and showed her true self. I believe the film is saying "Don't let others change how you feel about yourself" because before it seemed like everybody didn't pay her any mind because she was going with the norm (the mask). Now that she took it off, people were looking at her like she was different, and now they'll have to accept her for the person she really is.
 Today we were writing paragraphs in class. We mainly did it together but towards the end we had to come up with our own. I think my paragraph was pretty good. Today was pretty boring as well as YESTERDAY. Thats expected so I wasn't really upset.




 Today we just did this assessment in class. We went over the questions on Friday anyways so I was pretty aware of what I was looking at. After that, we looked over "The Writing Process" which i don't think should've taken as long as it did, but at least we didn't have work. Today was pretty cool I guess, just want to go home. Cool day I guess.

Reflection 1/13

 We went over the elimination strategy which i kind of thought was a waste of time. We all literally learned this in middle school so I didn't even see the point of it. Then afterwards this security guard got low diffed by the slippery floor. That was definitely the highlight of the year, literally hilarious. Sadly we didn't get to do the assessment, but it was whatever.

I am too America

 We watched a short film today that was pretty interesting. It showed somebody's life before disaster, and I thought it was pretty powerful showing life. We also poem connotations to a Langston Hughes poem, which was so freaking boring. I understood but the entire class was dead and uninterested in the entire assignment. I hope we don't do these a lot because they took too long. Pretty good day so far :0.

The Last 3 Minutes

 I think the message of the film was don't forget about your past and how much you enjoyed it when you were there. Even if you went down the wrong road where you at, don't lose your footing. I think the purpose of life is to actually enjoy life as a whole instead of trying to find your purpose. The near death experience that the main character brought back all of his memories and his life review. I thought the film was really interesting because of how much his life changed throughout his life.


 I haven't gotten any significant advice from my Mother but we've had good conversations that I know helped/changed me. If i HAD to say one thing, it could be I should save money and try to go to college to have that experience. Some people regret not going to college (not everyone), and I don't want to be included in the bunch if I decide to go. 


 Today we watched this Short film called Elevator and it was pretty interesting. It was also pretty funny as well, showed how not to judge people or else it'll backfire on you. Today was a pretty easy day, especially that assessment. I found it funny how somebody didn't do the constructed response even though it was so easy. The day went by pretty slow and i wished it ended sooner, but overall, 8/10 day.

The Elevator Short Film Response

 I thought the film was pretty funny and was all over the place at times. I barely knew what was going on from START TO FINISHHHH. I liked the humor aspect of the short film the most. I think the first theme was to not discriminate against others.


 We started the day off with boring stuff about the new tardy/late system by the school. Honestly I really didn't care because i was just playing games on my phone. I'm never late so all that really didn't matter. Then we looked at a interesting video about 2+2=5 and it was mainly about compliance and i thought it was stupid because I don't think I should comply if I think you're wrong. Despite the death of the kid, he was very brave and showed copious amounts of leadership. Then we ended the day off with 3 Paragraphs on our 3 main goals for the year of 2023. That took so long to finish but it's whatever. Boring day but it was aight.


 1. I want to get into Real Estate after High School. 2. I have no real hobbies currently, but i used to love playing basketball. 3. Twenty One Pilots, Lil Darkie, and Gorillaz 4. I don't find anything interesting about myself/ 5. I have 3 foods tied for first and they are: Cheese Cake, Banana Pudding, and Mozerella Sticks  (WITH MARINARA SAUCE!!!!!) 6. I would like to visit Jamaica/Caribbean areas because a lot of my family is from there.